Thursday, April 10, 2008


Paul and I experienced our first Texas storm last night -- it was the first time in my life I wanted to hide in the closet because of a storm!!! There were 80-90mph winds, baseball size hail, (yes, hail in TX!) rain, THUNDER, lighting the works! Below are a few pics of the damages near our apartment...

Tree limbs were down absolutely everywhere! Some fell on carports which caused big messes. Luckily our cars were okay!

Here are a few shingles that flew off our roof. I'm sure it will be awhile till they're all picked up!

I'm guessing this was a big reason why we didn't have power till 2pm today!


Kate said...

OH my goodness! Glad you guys (and your cars) are OK!

The Lucas Family said...

I've never been a fan of thunder or lightning. I would have been locked in a dark closet with headphones on! :) SO glad you guys are okay though!

DeWitt Family said...

Yikes! Glad you stayed safe.