Wednesday, December 17, 2008

YMCA Holiday Party & Pub Crawl 2008!

Saturday we were "overbooked" with Holiday parties... So, we did our best to swing them both! We started the evening out at the Lincoln Centre Hilton for the Town North YMCA holiday party. We stayed as long as Paul could manage paying for the WAY over-priced drinks at the cash bar, (ha ha!) -- actually we stayed for dinner and then headed off to uptown to meet the bus. Yes, we caught the bus for the annual Pub Crawl! We managed to finish off the crawl - polishing off 4 more bars and arriving back home at 3:30am!!! For those of you who know me well, you understand just how late that is for baby jules! But the rush of 60 people traveling around downtown Dallas might of had something to do with it...Here are a few pics from the evening -- (believe it or not I forgot my camera - so, enjoy a few from our friend Bobby!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Long time no blog.......

Happy Thanksgiving from Jules & Paul!!!

It's been a long time since my last post which gives you an idea how busy we've been! And now the holidays are quickly approaching so there won't be much time to breathe before the festivities are in full swing!

But looking back, November was filled with.... the Plano Junior League 'Neath the Wreath holiday gift market, an Election Party, a freezing cold Thanksgiving Day 5K race in MI, Turkey day with Family, another Turkey dinner with fabulous friends, Christmas shopping, new PT Clients, (YIPPEE!!!!) and additions to Milo's wardrobe :-)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson! :-)

And Harley riding Milo!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

JLP Fall Festival

Last week (while recovering from the tri) my Junior League provisional group had our first project. We organized a fall festival at a homeless shelter -- we had carnival games, crafts, a pumpkin-scape with pictures and of course plenty of cookies and cupcakes for the kiddos!

It felt so wonderful to give them an excuse to party for a night! Some kids didn't even know what Halloween was? It was a very special evening to say the least!

Monday, October 20, 2008


My final time for the triathlon was 1:29:47

Splits ....

300 meter swim : 5:53

Transition time from swim to bike: 4:45 - this is horribly slow!!!

15 Mile Bike 49:37 (16.3 mph pace)

Transition time from bike to run: 1:16

5k run 28:13 (9:06 mile pace)

My time earned me 158th over all (500 racers total) and top 10 in my female age group! WHOO HOO!) Okay, so I was 10th, but still "Top Ten" nonetheless :-)

I'm still moving slow... my workout today consisted of walking milo around the park!

My First Triathlon!

This past Sunday a few of us from my running group gave a Triathlon a "Tri" :-) It was much harder than I anticipated, (on paper it doesn't sound so bad... 300 meter swim, 15 mile bike, 5k run) but put it all together with quick transitions and it makes for a VERY exhausting race!

We did the Blackland Triathlon in Plano so it actually wasn't an open water swim. It was nice for us beginners, but it was such a cluster trying to get in ORDER to start! The free for all in the open water might actually be better:-) So we did a "Snake Swim" in a 50 meter Olympic size pool and then made our way to the transition station to start the bike!

I just rented a road bike since this was my first time -- so I had ZERO experience riding but since it was only 15 miles I decided it would be okay. It got a little long but I managed. Let's just say after this race I learned A LOT about what to do next time! When I finally made it to the run portion I felt so much better - I thought, "finally something I can do!" Even though it was a B*tch going from the bike to the run, (called a brick) it was nice to just "run" and know the end was near!

As I was jogging I didn't feel like I was moving but I guess I was because eventually I crossed the finished line and saw Paul there with a giant water -- aww, finally finished!

Here's me and Michele after getting "body marked"
(And yes, everyone wore these skimpy little tri outfits!)

Here's me during the swim - I'm trying to "snake swim"

Here I am just past the mounting station starting off on the 15mi bike...

Here I am starting off on the run, well "trying to run!"

Here I am at the finish!

Here's my cheerleader!

The group - don't we look happy?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bruce and Char visit Dallas!

This past weekend my folks finally made the trip to Dallas! They have never even been to Texas before so we had a lot to show them in only three days... But most of all it was great to have them see where we live, work and play ;-)

Of course we had to start the weekend out at our favorite tex mex restaurant, Uncle Julios! Then headed downtown for some drinks on the patio at the Ritz. The next day I took my mom to the YMCA to show her the facility and workout a little. After, we spent the afternoon by the pool -- Actually, Paul spent the day going back and forth from the pool to the TV watching the games! My dad couldn't figure out why no one was at the pool when it was 85 out? I had to remind him that it was football season!

That night we celebrated Paul's birthday at a brewery at "The Shops at Legacy" and walked around the area. Sunday we went shopping like TRUE Dallas folks! I think my dad was bored to death but I had to treat my mom to the great malls and outlets down here. That night we enjoyed another great meal on the patio at Houlihans and called it a night. Monday my mom squeezed in a little more shopping before they had to board the plane -- and then they were off.

I would say they had a nice, relaxing time in the big D!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My so-called Life

It's been awhile since my last post so there is a lot to catch up on, (actually very little!)

But, here it goes!


As you can probably imagine, football season in Texas is pretty insane -- (my God, high school football coaches earn more than teachers for coaching ONLY!) Nonetheless, we have been picked up by a Louisiana State crowd to go to their watch parties each Saturday. It's a little nuts -- and like nothing I've ever experienced before -- but I'm having a blast! Did I just say I'm having fun watching football???

Jr. League of Plano

I've also joined the Jr. League of Plano and have been busy getting to know this amazing group of women! My provisional class has 200 ppl and my group has about 12, (1,000 in the entire league). Right now my project group is working on a Fall Festival for underprivileged kids. It's a lot of work but I know it will be soooo rewarding! I'll keep y'all posted on this new area of my life....

Training update

I'm continuing to jog with my running group with our goal of running the Dallas half marathon in November -- however, a few of us have taken on another challenge! We're also training for the Plano Triathlon October 19th. Dual training schedules has been a little hectic (to say the least!) and I'm doing my best to stay on top of it all without burning out. But overall, it's been a great experience so far and I've met great athletes along the way. Plus, my motivation level is higher now that I'm a trainer, myself!


As you can imagine we are having more and more fun with our little puppy each day! Unfortunately, he had a rough vet appointment on Friday -- 3 shots! He squealed a little, but was tough for the most part. I can't imagine having kids and taking them to the doctor for's so sad! But Milo's back to his bubbly self and always makes us laugh -- even on our worst days. He's such a joy to have around!


Now for the boring stuff... Paul is still logging pretty long hours but enjoying the cases he's working on and doing more and more at the firm. I'm working less "floor staff hours" at the Y with the hope that I'll be taking on clients REAL soon. I'm anxious to get down to business! But I need to understand it takes time. So, I'm trying to be patient right now, (trying...)

What else...

I guess that's about all that's new with us? My parents are coming this weekend so I'm excited to show them where we call home! Oh, and I can't wait to have them taste some REAL mexican food , too! Hotel de la Simon is always taking reservations!

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're just fine!

Hi friends! Just wanted to drop a line to let y'all know that Paul and I doing just fine despite the bad storms that IKE stirred up this weekend. Actually, Dallas barely got hit at all -- just rainy, dark and wet. Not nearly the high winds they were anticipating! So, IKE really did take a HIKE!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yikes, IKE!!!

So, the Texans are taking cover in preparation for Hurricane Ike -- which is estimated to hit tomorrow morning! It's going to be a dark, RAINY stormy weekend for us....let's pray for the best!


Just a little girls getaway...

Here's Ash and I catching some much needed sun in front of the wave pool!

Here we are at dinner enjoying French cuisine...yummy!

Here's our hotel, Mandalay Bay, where I won a whopping $10 on the nickel slots. Gotta love jackpot party!

Here we are having a little swim...

Enjoying a bucket of beers at the famous "Bikini Bar"

Guess who stopped by? Char & Bruce!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Relaxing weekend with the Pooch :-)

After Paul's exhausting work trip to Austin and Houston this week and my first LONG shifts at the YMCA, (one was at 5:30am -yuck!) we were pretty beat come 5pm Friday. So, we chilled out and enjoyed some well deserved relaxation! We met some friends in uptown for drinks Saturday and I went jogging with my running group but otherwise we just caught our breath from the week.
Milo had been cooped up so we treated him to the dog park again -- what a hoot! He doesn't have much interest in playing with the little dogs his size. He just goes up to the fence and watches the BIG dogs and secretly wishes he could hop the fence! He keeps us laughing!

Faster, MILO!

"Who am I going to sniff?"

It wouldn't be a day at the dog park without getting VERY dirty!

Awww, finally the AC!