Wednesday, December 17, 2008

YMCA Holiday Party & Pub Crawl 2008!

Saturday we were "overbooked" with Holiday parties... So, we did our best to swing them both! We started the evening out at the Lincoln Centre Hilton for the Town North YMCA holiday party. We stayed as long as Paul could manage paying for the WAY over-priced drinks at the cash bar, (ha ha!) -- actually we stayed for dinner and then headed off to uptown to meet the bus. Yes, we caught the bus for the annual Pub Crawl! We managed to finish off the crawl - polishing off 4 more bars and arriving back home at 3:30am!!! For those of you who know me well, you understand just how late that is for baby jules! But the rush of 60 people traveling around downtown Dallas might of had something to do with it...Here are a few pics from the evening -- (believe it or not I forgot my camera - so, enjoy a few from our friend Bobby!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Long time no blog.......

Happy Thanksgiving from Jules & Paul!!!

It's been a long time since my last post which gives you an idea how busy we've been! And now the holidays are quickly approaching so there won't be much time to breathe before the festivities are in full swing!

But looking back, November was filled with.... the Plano Junior League 'Neath the Wreath holiday gift market, an Election Party, a freezing cold Thanksgiving Day 5K race in MI, Turkey day with Family, another Turkey dinner with fabulous friends, Christmas shopping, new PT Clients, (YIPPEE!!!!) and additions to Milo's wardrobe :-)