Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Our Memorial Weekend can be summed up by : Pool time, drinks, and BBQ, (and in that order!) It doesn't get better than that!

Here's Paul and I catching some rays...

Boys playing ball in freezing cold pool water - Brrrr!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Idol Champion

Yes, Paul called it from the beginning - MR. DAVID COOK was named 2008's American Idol last night. Both David's were amazing and I'm sure Archuleta will still get a record deal, (let's not forget second place star Clay Aiken!) So, it looks like I owe Paul some drinks this weekend because I lost our bet!
Actually, we DVR'd the finale and went out to meet friends for drinks and were going to come home and watch the last hour or so without commercials. I didn't think anyone at the bar watching the Spurs game would say the winner so I agreed. But on our way home the radio announcer blurted out Cook had won. So, it wasn't as much fun to watch the results... DAMN KISS FM!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Home Improvement

Paul and I finally got rid of the "WT" folding chairs on our deck and purchased a nice outdoor bistro table and chairs. I also got some nice hanging furn plants which has really improved our outdoor living! (I just have to remember to actually water the plants in this Texas heat they'll die in a hurry!) Today its 98 degrees!

The "Before"

The "After"
We've already enjoyed a few meals outside and on Sunday we drank wine outside for hours -- time just flew. I love summer!

The rest of the weekend also went fast -- Friday night we started out strong with Happy Hour at Houlihans with everyone and trying to stay true to "date night" we saw the late showing of "What Happens in Vegas" together. Saturday we spent the entire day by the pool with the crew at Addison Circle Fountain Pool. That evening we had a party for one of Paul's American Airlines Colleagues, Karla, so we took her out to Pete's Piano Bar, (one of Paul's absolute favorites!!!) Anytime you can sing Living on a prayer at the top of your lungs without judgment is a good night!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Who wouldn't love that forecast?


6-10 Day
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
High: 82°
Low: 57°
High: 84°
Low: 62°
High: 89°
Low: 63°
High: 94°
Low: 71°

Thursday, May 15, 2008

American Idol Finals

This year I have got Paul to watch Idol now that we live under the same roof...(I won't even tell you the other girly shows that I've made him watch too...hint, hint Gossip Girl, Greys, One Tree Hill...) Okay, moving on! But Paul has spotted David Cook as a winner from the top 20 -- and I've been a fan of David Archuleta forever -- he's just so cute! And now, the Davids are going head-to-head in the finals!

Which David are you cheering for?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Colin!

My youngest nephew turned 6 this week. Paul and I got Colin what every 6-year-old needs... a skateboard and Vans shoes of course! He'll be the coolest kid at Mattawan for sure!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Taste of Addison

Saturday we went to the Taste of Addison in Addison Circle. There were all sorts of local restaurants showcasing their food/drink. Plus local and "C+ type" bands played all weekend. It was a little crazy -- but we had a blast!

Here's me and Maria

Fisher, Rob & Paul

Me and Mike

Me and my very exciting glow-in-the-dark margarita cup!

Another Rangers Game!

Friday Paul and I went to our second Rangers game of the season. We met Mary Ann, (my uncles good friend who also recently moved to Dallas) and her friend Drew. It was a gorgeous night for a ballgame -- PLUS, the Rangers actually won! We didn't make the "Kiss Cam" this time , (probably because there were more than 20 ppl in the ballpark!) but we did get some free T-shirts!
A Ranger-dog and a few bud lites and I'm loving sports!

Mary Ann and I took this picture on our camera phones to send to my uncle Rex -- yes, we're nerds but we thought it was hilarious! (especially funny after a few beers!)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

As you can imagine, the Texans celebrated the 5th of Mayo pretty hard! We went to a party on Saturday at a friends with two Margarita machines, more Corona than I've seen, (and that's a lot!) and all the tex mex snacks you could eat! Yummy! We left around 1am and the party was still going strong. Good Times!
Also, I'm convinced I found the Jeff Karger twin at this party! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures, ( I didn't want to seem like a complete psycho) but I did sneak a camera phone pick! :-)

White Rock Lake

On Friday Paul and I headed out to White Rock Lake to meet up with his sailing friends for one of the clubs "First Friday" parties -- they have them the first Friday of each month during the Summer. We celebrated "Cinco de Mayo" style with Margarita's, Coronas and Fajitas while enjoying the sunset out on the lake. It was absolutely beautiful! Some brave souls took out some boats -- however, there was NO WIND. Needless to say, they weren't moving at all -- zero knots! (yes, I said "knots" -- I know a few things about sailing!)
The Corinthian Sailing Club is the one of the oldest sailing clubs on White Rock Lake. Paul's eager to become a member but I'm pulling for a few other things first!

After our night at the lake we headed to uptown and had a few $2 Coronas with Derek and Kumar at Tribeca. I was exhausted -- it's amazing how much just being by the water can take it out of you....(not to mention that beer, I guess!)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Rangers Game of the Season

On Tuesday Paul and I went to our first Rangers game of the season with his recruiter, Heather and her boyfriend Devon. They got us great seats and we watched the Royals beat the Rangers -- but we didn't care since we had plenty of beer to drown our sorrows! It was a great night and a wonderful way to unwind before Paul started his new job on Thursday.

Man of the House

Milo's new thing is getting up on the furniture -- on the end tables and coffee table! I think it's going to be a hard habit to break. Yes, he is one spoiled puppy!

"Hi Mom, did you need the remote?"

He likes to sit up on this end table and watch all the dogs out in the courtyard. He barks a big bark when he's inside!