Thursday, May 15, 2008

American Idol Finals

This year I have got Paul to watch Idol now that we live under the same roof...(I won't even tell you the other girly shows that I've made him watch too...hint, hint Gossip Girl, Greys, One Tree Hill...) Okay, moving on! But Paul has spotted David Cook as a winner from the top 20 -- and I've been a fan of David Archuleta forever -- he's just so cute! And now, the Davids are going head-to-head in the finals!

Which David are you cheering for?


The Lucas Family said...

Archuleta for sure! Isn't he adorable? :)

Kate said...

It's a toss up...their so different! What I like about Archuleta is that it doesn't even look like he has to put in any effort. He's just naturally that good!