Monday, October 20, 2008

My First Triathlon!

This past Sunday a few of us from my running group gave a Triathlon a "Tri" :-) It was much harder than I anticipated, (on paper it doesn't sound so bad... 300 meter swim, 15 mile bike, 5k run) but put it all together with quick transitions and it makes for a VERY exhausting race!

We did the Blackland Triathlon in Plano so it actually wasn't an open water swim. It was nice for us beginners, but it was such a cluster trying to get in ORDER to start! The free for all in the open water might actually be better:-) So we did a "Snake Swim" in a 50 meter Olympic size pool and then made our way to the transition station to start the bike!

I just rented a road bike since this was my first time -- so I had ZERO experience riding but since it was only 15 miles I decided it would be okay. It got a little long but I managed. Let's just say after this race I learned A LOT about what to do next time! When I finally made it to the run portion I felt so much better - I thought, "finally something I can do!" Even though it was a B*tch going from the bike to the run, (called a brick) it was nice to just "run" and know the end was near!

As I was jogging I didn't feel like I was moving but I guess I was because eventually I crossed the finished line and saw Paul there with a giant water -- aww, finally finished!

Here's me and Michele after getting "body marked"
(And yes, everyone wore these skimpy little tri outfits!)

Here's me during the swim - I'm trying to "snake swim"

Here I am just past the mounting station starting off on the 15mi bike...

Here I am starting off on the run, well "trying to run!"

Here I am at the finish!

Here's my cheerleader!

The group - don't we look happy?


Nick and Kristi Bonstell said...

Wow, congrats! that is quite an accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

YEAH Jules! Congratulations!

Kate said...

So proud of you Jules!

Unknown said...

Wow Jules...I'm very impressed!

DeWitt Family said...

Way to go jules!! I'm impressed that is a major accomplishment. Top 10!!!