Friday, June 6, 2008

Running against the wind

I started running with a local jogging group and I think I had the toughest run of my life last night, (well at least the last two miles...)

I was cocky and upbeat as I stared with the 40 mph winds behind me pushing my mile average down at least a minute! My girlfriend and I were chatting - not out of breath at all! But as I winded around the trail...

I felt it. Yes, the wind pushing me back slightly with each glide forward -- (I felt like I wasn't moving) I could no longer hear the nature around me, just the whistling of the wind in my ears -- boy was it loud! My hair was no longer falling in my face, but it was blowing strait back past my shoulders. I fixated on the water tower in the distance where I knew the last two miles against the wind would end...but it didn't get any closer! FINALLY, somewhere between ducking down, (to be aerodynamic and dreaming of chugging Gatorade I finished.

I hope Sundays run is easier. It's gotta be!

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