The next day Jenn and I headed into Holland and met my mom, dad and my nephews, Colin & Connor for lunch. From the looks of it my mom had had a rough morning with the boys... needless to say they had been naughty! (peeing in the empty jacuzzi tub?)
But we headed to Grandville to do some shopping...I guess you can call it shopping? GameStop, K.B. Toys and Dicks Sporting Goods! The nephews sure crack me up. They could each pick out one toy in K.B. Toys which took about an hour for a $1.99 gun and $.99 squiggle pen! Good times!
That evening my Dad took us to Vitales Pizza -- the new HOT spot in Zeeland. Now that they have their liquor license they're doing great business! So, my sister and I had our first cocktail in Zeeland, (legally!)
Saturday was a whirlwind but was so great seeing so many people while I was in town! That morning my family went to see my cousin, Allie, play in a Volleyball tourney at Holland Christian so I was able to see my aunt and uncle! Then, I met Simon's for lunch at the new City Vue restaurant downtown Holland. What a lovely place! Afterwards I headed to DeWitt's to see Martha & little Jacob. He's absolutely adorable! I didn't stay too long though, for fear of baby fever!!!That evening my sister and I met Dave, Tom, Brum, Jen, and the Deckers at the Curraugh for dinner and drinks...oh, and the DUKE game :-) It was so great catching up with friends -- love you all!
Sunday the family met at my folks house for lunch and visited once last time before I flew home. My grandma, Oscar and his son Jeff came too. It was a wonderful way to end a fantastic weekend!

Sorry I missed you while you were home!! :(
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